Good morning , you all!
I have already replied 2 of the 7 people who've tagged me and I've already tagged 11 people too. So , I am waiting for them to reply to me .
How it works:
1. Acknowledge the blogger(s) who've tagged you
2. Share 11 random facts about yourself
3. Answer the 11 questions nominating blogger(s)
4. List 11 bloggers
5. Post 11 questions for the nominated bloggers you 've chosen and let them know they've been tagged. don't nominate bloggers who nominated you.
Thank you for tagging me , dear Ana Maria!
11 Random facts about myself::
- I love Christmas and everything related to it! (songs, food, decoration, etc.)
- I love celebrating my birthday with a party and a lot of presents
- I prefer cold weather although I was born and live in a sunny warm place all over the year
- I love rainy days and the smell of the rain
- I'm afraid of most insects
- My daughter will get married in 2014 and I am really happy
- I love playing the role of a housewife but I hate ironing
- I'm afraid of diving. I'll never dive into the sea!
- I love watching all CSI series and similar on TV . LOL
- If I weren't a teacher, I'd probably be a lawyer
- I want to be a grandma ASAP!
Answering Ana Menezes
- Where did you live as a child? - Recife.
2. What was your favourite toy? - A doll called Suzy
3. As a child, what did you want to be in the future? - LOL Many things! But mainly a poilcewoman! Perhaps this is the reason why I love CSI and LAW & ORDER! lol
4. Tell us some things you are afraid of: Diving into the sea and cockroaches ( most of insects , actually)
5. Tell us some things you are good at: Cooking , organizing things and singing
6. Tell us some things you are bad at: Ironing. What a shame! LOL
7. Tell us about a place you'd like to visit and who with: GREECE , with Franklin, my husband
8. What do you normally procrastinate? Going to the doctor LOL ( I am the daughter of a doctor and the wife of another)
9. If you could choose a place to live , where would it be? Somewhere with cold weather : IN Brazil. Serra Gaúcha or Curitiba, perhaps a city in the countryside near São Paulo. Abroad, in England near London
10. What would you like to get for Christmas? First- class Air tickets and hotel vouchers (all paid )to go to Greece! LOL
11. What would you like to learn in 2014? More about education technology